TYPE: Exhibition
CATEGORY: Participation Program
“Shining Smile Fruit” is an ongoing project conceived by Kyota Takahashi, through which shopping arcades and other facilities all over central Yokohama were able to take part in Smart Illumination Yokohama. This time the number of participating groups and facilities increased again, with two new groups or stores taking part.
- 参加団体
- 認定NPO法人エンパメントかながわ、ガス灯の魅力PRイベント実行委員会、鶴見萬橙の夕べ 実行委員会、東京ガス横浜ショールーム(MARK ISみなとみらい)、馬車道商店街協同組合、ヘアーズ ビースリー、三菱みなとみらい技術、横浜港大さん橋国際客船ターミナル、ヨコハマポートサイド街づくり協議会
- Organizations
- NPO empowerment kanagawa、Yokohama Gaslight Festival Executive Committee、Tsurumi lantern festival Executive Committee、Tokyo-gas showroom of Yokohama、BASHAMICHI SHOTENGAI、hair's bx3、Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum、OSANBASHI YOKOHAMA INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER TERMINAL、Yokohama-Portside urban development association