Star ☆ Jam Street ~ 清掃楽器音楽夢想 ~
TYPE: Exhibition
CATEGORY: Art Program
音と光を演奏できる"清掃楽器"ホウキギター、デッキブラシベース、はたきドラム、他による、鑑賞者参加型のインタラクティブアート。鑑賞者が清掃楽器を弾くことで演奏者にスポットが当たりその場がステージに変化します。街を行き交う人が演奏に参加する事でセッションが始まり、相手と息を合わせて音を重ねていく事で音楽が生まれる。そして人から人へ楽しさとワクワクが広がり、横浜の夜の街に彩が溢れていく。 相手をリスペクトし演奏する事でバンドになって行く体験を通し、社会における仲間という存在の尊さを訴えます。
Star ☆ Jam Street ~ Cleaning Instrument Music Dream ~ Interactive art with a broom guitar, a deck brush bass, a duster drum, etc. to play tone and light, which appreciators can participate in. When the appreciators play the cleaning instruments, they can be spotlighted and make another stage there. A session starts when the strangers on the street participate in the play, and a music is born when they create the tone with breathing each other. And then the fun and the expectation are spreading from person to person so that Yokohama night town finally fills with beautiful colors. They appeal for preciousness of the existence called a fellow in a society through their experiences that they have established their band playing with respect to other members.